I'm Dünya Baradari, a multidisciplinary scientist, developer, and student of life. My background is in neuroscience, computational biology, startup theory, and human augmentation, and I am passionate about how wisdom, science, and technology can help us augment nature and ourselves.
I grew up in a small town in Germany and lived in the UK for 5 years during and after my undergraduate. Currently, I am in the US, specifically in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
As of now, I am a graduate student at the MIT Media Lab, where I work on tools for cognitive augmentation. I also co-founded the Augmentation Lab, an independent R&D lab and nonprofit community of philosopher-builders.
I've loved writing since I was 7 years old and often think about technologies that shape our future(s), principles for life, and characters in real life and fictional stories. I hope you find something enlightening or entertaining in my thoughts.