

It is a marvellous feeling to bring words together to create meaning. What an amazing way of organising objects language is. It has its rules, its building blocks, its exceptions, and its fine features. There is a certain magic in writing.

This is a blog about my thoughts and principles for life, politics and society, ideas for a better future and the experiences encounter on my journey towards becoming a better scientist/technologist/entrepreneur/human.

Some of my writings will be controversial, some may be goofy, and some overly romantic. Treat this as the experiments of a person striving to grow. If you disagree, let me know! Contrary to common conviction, opinions can change and mine will if you manage to convince me. And if you agree, I would love to hear why! Please email me at hello@blog.dunya-baradari.com.

In the meantime, you can subscribe to the blog relevant to you so you get notified whenever a new piece is published!